Because talking about your job and relationships never gets old.
Monday, July 30, 2007
SC Update Monday
So word has it there were several solid serious conversations this past weekend, one resluting is a kicked out plate glass window. too bad those poor people won't be able to afford to have it fixed huh?
So let me get this straight. In order to rub in the damage that they had done to the house, hot fudge called the girl poor? I also heard that hot fudge polished off $45 worth of Thai food on Sunday and slaked his thirst (provoked by the spicy food) with 3 beers. A low calorie meal, if you ask me.
serious conversations also occur alongside the georgetown waterfront. early this saturday, everyone's favorite low-income housing consultant informed the waitress at sequoias that he was "new money" and that he wanted to move to southern california because too many people in florida spoke spanish (think about that one). the waitress, unimpressed with his neither vast knowledge of low-income housing, his sweaty brooks brother's polo shirt, or his half shut eyes, smiled and presented him with his $145 tab.
hot fudge sounds like he need to get a low income housing consultant of his own. that way they can seriously converse about the impacts of broken windows in the houses of the poor.
So let me get this straight. In order to rub in the damage that they had done to the house, hot fudge called the girl poor? I also heard that hot fudge polished off $45 worth of Thai food on Sunday and slaked his thirst (provoked by the spicy food) with 3 beers. A low calorie meal, if you ask me.
serious conversations also occur alongside the georgetown waterfront. early this saturday, everyone's favorite low-income housing consultant informed the waitress at sequoias that he was "new money" and that he wanted to move to southern california because too many people in florida spoke spanish (think about that one). the waitress, unimpressed with his neither vast knowledge of low-income housing, his sweaty brooks brother's polo shirt, or his half shut eyes, smiled and presented him with his $145 tab.
is this "favorite low-income housing consultant" you are referring to named "Hot Fudge"??
hot fudge sounds like he need to get a low income housing consultant of his own. that way they can seriously converse about the impacts of broken windows in the houses of the poor.
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