Monday, July 30, 2007

Serious Conversation Sunday

Hot Fudge took advantage of the generally lax rules regarding serious conversations on Sundays to have the below conversation with me last night circa 10:30 pm.

RYF - Hello Hot Fudge.

Hot Fudge - Hello. I just wanted to tell you that Lange called me and told me that she did not want to date me because I was one of her best friends.

RYF - Sorry to hear that Hot Fudge.

Hot Fudge - Yeah, why is it that girls like being friends with guys who want to the fuck them?

RYF - Not sure Hot Fudge. Probably because they are all cunts.

Hot Fudge - Yeah, have you ever been friends with a girl that you did not want to have sex with?

RYF - No, Hot Fudge, I have not.

Hot Fudge - Oh. I don't get it. I mean, I am a little chubby, but I have a cute face.

RYF - I am not going to comment on the physical attributes of your face Hot Fudge.

Hot Fudge - Well I have good-looking face.

RYF - I'll take your word for it Hot Fudge. It would probably attract more girls if it weren't always covered in 5 O'Clock Shadow and hot fudge, Hot Fudge.

Hot Fudge - My face is not always covered in hot fudge.

RYF - Really? Well I guess your face is actually pretty ugly then Hot Fudge.

Hot Fudge - Shut up, I have a nice face. Lange said if she could date just my face she would.

RYF - I would not take that as a compliment Hot Fudge.

Hot Fudge - Trust me, it was a compliment.

RYF - No, I think it was more a comment on your physique Hot Fudge.

Hot Fudge - Well, it's not like she is that hot, and she is shorter than I am.

RYF - Well then why were you obsessed with her Hot Fudge?

Hot Fudge - I don't know, it was convenient. I really need to get a girlfriend.

RYF - That is a bad attitude Hot Fudge. Girls give you no more pleasure than alcohol and tobacco do Hot Fudge.

Hot Fudge - Well how do I meet girls?

RYF - I am not really a good person to ask for advice on this Hot Fudge. I pretty much try to get drunk and if anything else happens, so much the better. But, going out looking to hunt poon always leads to trouble and no fun Hot Fudge.

Hot Fudge - Yeah, but i really need to have a girlfriend.

RYF - You really need to stop being such a little bitch Hot Fudge.

Hot Fudge - I would rather pay for sex than be in the friend zone again.

RYF - That's the spirit. I have to go, good bye Hot Fudge.

1 comment:

Ken Dynamo said...

if i were to engage in serious conversation with Hot Fudge, the advice i would give would be to emphasis talking about my job when trying to pick up chicks. make sure you go into elaborate and minute detail about what kind of job you have, what kind of consultation you offer as an employee, and to which governmnet agencies you offer this consultation. I would talk as much and for as long as possible about this job. i think if hot fudge followed this adviced he owuld be wading waist deep in hot sex in no time.